Monday, September 3, 2007

Do People hate Andrew Keen because of Stephen Colbert

I have been browsing around and it seems many don’t like Andrew Keen who is the author of, “the Cult of Amateurs.” Now hate is a powerful word and many really hate him. I don’t think Andrew Keen had too much publicity before the colbert report had him on the show. On the show Stephen Colbert supported blogging and Andrew Keen criticized the blogging industry and sites like youtube. One of his arguments was that they are stealing culture and he referred to how Stephen’s head company Viacom was suing YouTube. Stephen said he doesn’t think YouTube is stealing and all he cares is that he will get money from the lawsuit. Andrew Keen seems to like the idea of a few men controlling the world and everyone else being peasants or slaves. Stephen Colbert said that Andrew was elitist and the internet open the gateway for more art made by amateurs and then a video of internet art was shown. Everyone in the audience was surprised by that and that may be why people hate Andrew Keen. But it does seem like Andrew Keen has courage saying stuff like that, I just don’t think he truly understands. If you want to see the video go here:

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